Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)
This is an extension of APL so that it includes assessed learning gained from life and work experience. As many FIBSL- Education award programmes are vocational or professionally orientated, a typical example of Prior Experiential Learning would be two or more years of relevant work experience.
Like APL, APEL can also be used for the purpose of:
- Gaining entry into an FIBSL -Education award programme.
- Advanced standing on an FIBSL- Education award programme.
- Credit against some of the outcomes of a programme that will count towards an FIBSL- Education award.
However, you should be aware that the collection and assessment of the evidence you have to provide can be complicated and time-consuming.
Both APL and APEL are used to help students progress onto an FIBSL- Education award programme where their previous learning overlaps with the area of study. It is far more difficult to use them between very different subject areas.